Course: Advanced

Course: Advanced


It is not enough just to work hard.  It is not enough to do a great job.  To be successful, you need to really communicate with others.  This course includes all the modules from the intermediate course and in addition you get to learn how to truly connect with people by exploring, learning, living and leading the quintessential connecting practices which include:

  • Finding Common Ground
  • Keeping your communication simple
  • Capturing people’s attention
  • Inspiring people
  • Staying authentic in all your relationships.

Duration:  6 weeks


Courses include one or more of the following scarce and critical skills:

  • Problem Solving
  • Critical Thinking
  • Adaptive Thinking
  • Creativity
  • Communication
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Innovation
  • Collaborative Approaches

Enquire about our complimentary:

  • initial consults
  • skills audit
  • virtual lunch and learns.
  • special business packages

Note: the duration and time of the courses above are approximated. Coaching sessions come with full price and certification courses only.

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